Thursday, November 23, 2006

-= Why Is the Day Dragging =-

Well today dragged, it dragged so much, I ran around the office to sort out a server that had to be prepared for a clients Email migration. The rest of the day was paper work paper work oh and more paper work.

The guy that employed me resigned today. I’m worried, he was one of the good guys, I’m going to miss him quite a bit as he was very relaxed and managed to get things done. Now its my turn, All his responsibilities has been passed onto me over night, I have to manage the junior tech’s and have to baby sit the guys who just cant do there work.

Lady R and I are still going strong, She is going through a tuff time, SingleMom, you know what you going through with your BEFH, well Lady R is almost in the same boat well almost minus the Kids that is, But Lady R knows I am there for her.

Lady r asked me to go with her to meet her folks, and normally I will cringe at the idea of meeting a woman’s parents, some how I look forward to meeting her parents.

I went to the movies with some friends of mine tonight and watched faith the potatoes, It’s my Christian friends and what I like about them is they don’t force there religion on you. They accept people as they are, hmmm just like I accept people in my life and around me as they are. They’re all dying to meet Lady R, they even trying to arrange a braai (barbeque) just so they can meet her, I am not worried at all, I know they will accept her for her and not judge her at all.

I find myself counting the hours till I see Lady R again, its weird, No woman made me feel that ever, and I mean ever. Normally I’ll play the see you when I see you kind of guy. But this time I just cant help it.

Work is going to start to wind down from next week so I been looking at what I’m going to do, Lady R is off to France for the Christmas and I have to stay and work, Its going to be pure torture the 3 weeks with out Lady R, so I got to keep myself occupied, with work and friends.


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