Sunday, April 01, 2007

Amazing Weekend

Well it was a amazing weekend. I spent Friday night relaxing in front of my TV and catching up on some myth busters and other series that I watch. I was thinking of Lady R the whole time as she put in some midnight oil for her studies. I am so proud of her for studying and doing so good in her tests.

Saturday, well I spent Saturday playing maid. Cleaning the flat and doing the laundry. I even polished my wooden floors and cleaned out the bathroom. Yes I know it’s odd to see a man do that. I'll post pictures on request.

Saturday night was amazing. Lady R came over and we just plonked on my bed, put on a movie. In Pursuit Of Happiness, and vegged out with some Coke Light and some chips. It is just so amazing to feel so comfortable and so relaxed with a woman in my life again. I always used to be very cautious to what I say and do around woman. and for some reason Lady R, well Lady R, I have let my guard down, I have dropped my mask and just became me, and somehow I know lady R is ok with it. She is also letting go and just becoming herself. Well she has been for a while now. Just the evening spent with lady R doing simple things like watching a DVD made me realise how at home we feel with each other.

Today in a week’s time I am officially off the calendar, yes the big 32, it been bugging me but now that Lady R is in my life it seems ok for me to turn 32.
I keep getting dreams of a house, visions I’ll say, it’s based on a house design that I saw in franschoek, I can see the design in my head and I can walk through the rooms. This is the place I see myself building and living in. It has a amazing lounge and open plan kitchen, it has a swimming pool and a nice big back garden. The whole design is mapped in my head. I am so tempted to get hold of a architect buddy of mine and getting him to draw it up or at least tell me how much square meter land I need so I can start looking out for that land. Well we will have to see. If I do build this place it will be with lady R’s input. Ok she can decorate it as long as I can build it. Ok she can decorate all accept the spare room and the Entertainment area. Those two I’d love to keep in the man’s domain for a while longer.

I told myself before I turn 33 I am going to build this place and I am going to make a change in my life. Start doing something I have not done in a while and start focusing on my company we been struggling to get going. I know it all sounds like a get rich quick scheme but I don’t believe in those. That why it takes time. We are being very cautious and even been playing devil’s advocate with each other just to iron out all what ifs and how-to’s.

Well tomorrow is the start of another week. With documentation to be done for two sites and me sitting at one site looking at a Database which is seemingly healthy now. Please note I say seemingly.


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