Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lazy Public Holiday

Well today went past in a very lazy way. I woke up early on a public holiday, yes I know it's a sin but I had to go work and fix some poor MD's wireless issues at his house.


I was hoping to see R today after she finished work but R had to go attend to some stuff. I was over eager and made some pasta in a wine sauce in the hopes R is coming around.


The rest of the day I spent watching a new Series called Ghost Whisperer, It's about a woman who can see earthly spirits of people who have passed away but have not crossed over yet.

It's a very scary and interesting TV series.


Today gave me time to do the washing and sort out some house work at home. I have so much old junk that I need to get rid of.


I'm still trying to find a buyer for my old home pc. I have a super duper laptop now and the home pc is off and just gathering dust in the corner. I have put it on and in the local advert papers.


I was thinking that it might be time to tell R more about my past, things I don't talk about and have been keeping to myself for a long time. And I mean a long time. I have realised the other day that I have fallen for R more then I have ever thought was possible. It's been over 5 months that R and I have been seeing each other and our relationship has grown considerably. Yes like all relationships we have our ups and downs and we work on all the downs and share the ups with each other.


Well, 2 more working days to the weekend and the hope to see R over the weekend and spend some quality time with R. Our work has been very busy and it's been keeping us to busy for a good quality weekend or day together,




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